Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

It's Father's Day and we wanted to take our special guy to a special place to celebrate! The twins and I got the idea to take Scott to the Rain Forest Cafe' when our friend Adrian came to spend the day with us and was wearing a t-shirt from his trip there. We were all looking forward to seeing the sights and sounds of the rainforest, so after church we headed down to The Galleria. While waiting in line the boys got to check out the scenery and got to peek into the gift shop where there was a talking tree. Parker was very excited, while Pierce wasn't quite sure this outing would be what he expected! When it was our turn to go in, Parker and Peyton were all eyes and ears, just amazed at the surroundings. When I looked back to check on Scott and Pierce, I saw Pierce planting his feet in the ground insisting he was not going in! Finally, Scott had to pick him up and carry him in because he was crying and carrying on so. Once we were seated, Pierce felt more at ease. As we sat at the table, we experienced thunderstorms, stars lighting up in the sky, and animals making all of their wild animal sounds. It wasn't well into our meal before he decided to relax a little. We ended our lunch with "The Volcano". It's a brownie and ice cream dessert that the boys had seen so many other tables order, so we knew there was no escaping this delectable treat! All in all, we had a nice time~ Happy Father's Day, Babe!!! Thank you for being such a great Daddy to our boys...we love you!

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